Date from - Date to: 
November, 2012
Description of the tasks undertaken: 

This ICPD review is part of the ongoing national analytical reviews and consultations to guide the post -2015 Development Agenda while taking into the Millennium Declaration 2000 and subsequent Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Agenda as the 2015 benchmarks for achieving its goals approaches. Issues on key elements for sustainable, equitable and inclusive economic growth, what has worked and what needs improvement, and emerging development challenges.

In Tanzania, strategic interventions and recommendations of ICPD PoA have been consistently integrated within the national development budget and planning frameworks, sectorial policies and strategic interventions related to the promotion of maternal health, women and girls wellbeing, prevention and reduction of HIV/AIDS infection, response to gender based violence and in the efforts of ensuring comprehensive access to reproductive health services for all for instance.

Servicers rendered: Documents review, conducting interviews in various Government Ministries inĀ  Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar, report writing and presentation